Quilted Denim Jacket

I found this  jacket at Forever 21 recently. It sort of reminds me of an Isabel Marant quilted denim jacket from a few years ago…what do you think?

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Today is going to be another one of those short and sweet posts :) I’m preparing for my trip tomorrow and I have so many things to do before I leave! Sometimes 24 hours is just not enough hours during the day.

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What’s important about this look is that it was shot by my friend Cibelle Levi. She is an amazing photographer from LA that (to my luck) happened to be visiting Boston for a few days.  I had a chance to talk to her so much about our goals, plans for the future and her success story. I love surrounding myself with people like her that understand the industry and can offer some advice. I highly recommend you do the same if you are in the blogging industry. Get out there and network, meet other creative people, collaborate, etc. You can learn so much from just having a cup of coffee with a creative mind.

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Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram to see where I’m heading tomorrow… Stay tuned for more. xoxo, Pam.

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I’m wearing:

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Forever 21 Quilted Jacket || Free People Jeans || Steve Madden Sandals

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Last but not least, a group of fabulous bloggers and yours truly have teamed up to bring you another fabulous giveaway. We’re so grateful for all your support! We’re rewarding one precious follower with a grand package worth $1,500! The package includes a Canon Rebel camera body, 2 lenses, strap, camera bag, tutorial DVD, and other camera accessories. PLUS a Kate Spade handbag and wallet with chain. Open to international contestants but international winner will be responsible for shipping and applicable custom fees to be paid prior to shipping. Contest ends on September 06, 2015.

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Canon Rebel Package + Kate Spade

Quilted Denim Jacket