How to Stay Committed to Your Goals and New Year’s Resolutions

10 Graphic Tees for a Cool-Girl Look | The Girl From Panama

Hey Guys! I just wanted to check in and see how you guys are doing with your New Year’s resolutions since I last spoke about this here. I know that January feels like the longest month ever and it usually goes by pretty slow, but February is already coming tomorrow! I think this is the perfect opportunity to reflect on yourself and see how you’re making progress in the new year. I know I’m holding myself accountable. If you’re struggling, it’s perfectly fine. Just follow my tips on how to stay committed to your goals and resolutions.



Break your goals or resolutions into weekly tasks

Sometimes, I feel like my goals are way over my head. They’re so big that I don’t know where to start or how to keep them going. I’ve realized that the trick to managing these goals is to break them into smaller weekly tasks. When you can see exactly what needs to be done, you’re more likely to check them off. I love making lists because they help me stay organized. This year, I have been keeping a list of the things I need to do at the start of each week and then I do my best to complete them. It has become so handy in helping me accomplish the small things that matter.

Hold yourself accountable

I’m certainly not the best at holding myself accountable but I know this is key to stay committed to your goals. If you have the same issue, try joining a group with the same purpose or asking a friend to remind you. When you share your goals with other people, they’ll eventually follow up to see how you’re doing. That helps keep the goal at the top of your mind. I believe that if you think about something enough, it will become a part of your routine.

Prioritize and make a schedule

No one ever has enough time. I’m guilty of making this excuse too. But if you wait for tomorrow or next month, then you’ll always be waiting. Try making your goals a priority and schedule time for them. For example, if you want to read more books, set aside 15 minutes every night to read. If you want to have a healthier diet, have vegetables every morning for breakfast. It’s so much easier to get things done when you make time for them.

Celebrate the small wins

I sometimes feel that I fall short on my goals because I wasn’t excited enough about them or I cut myself short. To bounce back, I encourage all of you to celebrate the small successes! It doesn’t matter what little thing you achieved, you should take time to celebrate the small wins. This will help boost your confidence to move onto the bigger ones.

Do you have any tips to share with me on how to stay committed to your goals?

10 Graphic Tees for a Cool-Girl Look | The Girl From Panama

10 Graphic Tees for a Cool-Girl Look | The Girl From Panama

How to Stay Committed to Your Goals and New Year’s Resolutions